We are an interdisciplinary team mostly from Mendel University in Brno focused primarily on the analysis of people’s behavior. Our projects are diverse. We design user interfaces, location-based services, augmented reality applications and mobile solutions; we analyze and visualize environmental changes and their impact on society; we develop chatbots and process natural language.

We guarantee a wide range of courses and even whole programs. We will gladly meet with you if you are interested in joined research or just looking for a challenging final thesis.

Our Research

We live in turbulent times. These are challenges that can bring us a huge leap forward if we grab them.

Our Research

Contracted R&D

For companies, we offer consultations on the user interface design and the development of tailored, innovative applications and services.

Contracted R&D


We teach a wide range of subjects from the basics of programming to virtual reality. Are you interested in doing a final thesis or collaboration on projects?


Coworking Space

Spatial Hub is not just a team, it is also a laboratory or rather a co-working space you can use. Are you curious how it looks? Wanna know the history?

Coworking Lab

Our Team

We cover a large amount of areas, just look at us… ?

Junior Researchers and Developers

We are proud to have many talented students in our team. You can join them, if you are brave enough 😉

Our Alumni

We worked with many bright and inspirational people.

Our work in a few numbers

We are not just academical researchers. For over a decade, we collaborate with companies to help them improve their product. And most importantly, we are teachers that love to raise new generations of technical leaders!





